Wallpaper Design For Homes & Businesses
At ITS The Blind Spot, you’ll have access to a wide range of high quality wallpaper options featuring Phillip Jeffries, Innovations, York, MDC, Wallquest & Brewster Home Fashions. We can help you find the perfect wallpaper for your home or business that will add color, texture, movement, and interest to any room. We offer all varieties of wallpaper products varying from grasscloth, natural, vinyl, woven, textile, and more.
No matter what you envision for your home or office, we can expertly help bring the vision to life. Making the decision to get wallpaper for your home or business is only the beginning of your interior transformation. Working with a true design pro is the key to getting the wallpaper that will give your space the unique, personalized look you want most.
While some people find it easy to picture exactly what they want for their home or business space, others need a little help. That’s why we offer custom wallpaper design services for our clients. Our show room is available for you to see our wallpaper books 1st hand to feel texture, see color and put your perfect palette together. Located at 255 Crummer Ln., Reno, NV 89502. (Next to Nothing To It Culinary Center.)we are open Monday through Friday 11 AM to 2 PM or by appointment 775–453–6369. We would love to sit down with you and talk about what you’ve got in mind for your next project!
What many people don’t know is that wallpaper comes in many different materials and textures to give your walls a unique look that sets them apart from the rest. The materials we offer here at ITS The Blind Spot include:
Grasscloth, Natural, Vinyl, Woven, Textile & more!
All of these materials come in different colors as well, giving you thousands of possibilities for your custom wallpaper design. And because we’re true industry experts, when purchasing our quality Wallpaper we will provide referrals for professional wallpaper installation to ensure your totally unique wall-covering is expertly applied to your walls so it can last for years to come.